Phoenix Business Solutions
“Successful SEO is not about tricking Google. It’s about PARTNERING with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users.”
Phil Frost
Main Street ROI

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Many people see SEO as the holy grail of web marketing. Imagine being on the first page of Google organic results and what this would do for your business. Unfortunately, the truth is that achieving this takes time, dedication and yes, money…

In fact, for some businesses SEO is a poor solution. Google and other search engines regularly adjust their algorithms so that a site that was on page one yesterday is now on page 20. There is even a theory (conspiracy theory?) that Google and their competitors do this on purpose to push customers to use Pay Per Click advertising.

In addition, SEO is poorly understood by many people. There are two primary tasks necessary for effective SEO. Most people are aware of the first, but simply don’t understand the importance of the second.

Firstly, a site must be optimized for SEO. This means alt tags for all images, selective use of keywords in site copy, and a deep understanding of what search engines are looking for. While this takes time and care, it is by far the least time consuming of the two necessary tasks.

Second, SEO requires the constant publishing of new content, both on your site and on sites with links to yours.

The old days of link trading no longer work. Google and other search engines now ignore two-way links and count only sites that link to yours, without a link back to theirs. Search engines rate more highly those sites with regular new and relevant content, and they are even getting smarter in terms of ignoring content that looks like it was produced by a content spinner – software that rewrites the same article twenty or more times using different synonyms.

In short, effective SEO requires time, knowledge and dedication.

At Phoenix, we will create an SEO optimized site for you, then provide an expert to provide content and strategies that will steadily improve your site’s ranking, but first, we’ll consult with you to determine if SEO is even a practical and cost-effective strategy for your organization.

Why Choose Phoenix?

  • Organic New Visitors Each Month
  • Get seen on Search Engines
  • Understand Your Clients
  • Profitable Visualization Solutions

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Phoenix Business Solutions Offers customized, flexible strategies catered to your business!


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93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.


75% of users ignore paid ads, focusing on the organic results.


83% Google's mobile search engine market share.


75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results.

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